The Best of The Mailbox Gr. 4-6 1 × $11.00×
Universal Rolling Organizer Cart 1 × $40.00×
Word Ending Lesson Plan 3 × $0.00×
Predicting and Foreshadowing 1 × $0.00×
Twenty teacher-tested lessons are presented with informative pictures and step-by-step instructions for presentation in 45-minute computer lab sessions. No knowledge of software applications is required to teach the lessons in the book. A teacher can confidently take this resource into a computer lab and present a well-rounded lesson covering word processing, spreadsheets, and presentations. Although the lessons cover specific subject matter, teachers can modify them easily to fit their own curriculum needs. Each activity is linked to technology standards and benchmarks. By Teacher Created Resources so you know its great! Product ID: TCR2394
20 Tools for Reaching the Digital Generation
Podcasts and SMART Boards and blogs. Oh, my! Teach Like a Techie introduces the novice to 20 gadgets, gizmos, and websites that engage students and raise learning to a higher level. The focus here is not on technological bells and whistles but on good teaching. Teachers are walked step-by-step through the basics of using each tool and specific ways it can improve learning. Any teacher who’s facing an interactive white board with no idea how to use it will be reassured by the author’s simple advice. Anyone who’s wondered how to boost student presentations to new heights with Prezi or make social studies lessons more meaningful with Google Earth or Newseum will be thrilled. And every teacher who’s trying desperately to relate to today’s students in their own digital language will be empowered by these practical, research-supported, classroom-tested ideas. These days, an educator doesn’t have to be a techie to teach like one. They just need this book! (K-12) 192 pp. By Essential Learning Products. Product ID: ELP550209 -
24 Piece Set Includes: 34″ x 24″ Galaxy Window, 3 Character Windows, 1 Millennium Falcon, 3 Header Frames, 1 Poster and 15 Various die cut pieces. By Eureka! Product ID: EU-847543
The Best of The Mailbox Gr. 4-6
One of our most popular best sellers, The Best of THE MAILBOX® is a compilation of our subscribers’ best teacher-tested ideas. Take advantage of bulletin boards, art activities, centers, and many more creative and practical timesaving ideas. 192 pages. By The Mailbox Books. Product ID: TEC61169
Classroom Procedures for Back-to-School
Classroom ready presentation to go over with your students for a successful year. Each slide includes detailed instruction that you can adapt to your own classroom management style as needed. These include:
“I CAN” attitude
When I need your attention
When entering the room
When preparing to leave
If you need help
Working independently
Working in a group
If you need to go somewhere
Where to turn in work
If you are absent
Missing or late work
Our classroom theme, and more!Download this wonderful PowerPoint for free today, and sign up for more great resources. You’ll also be able to download your free Classroom Management Ebook.
Argumentative Essay — Complete Curriculum
Complete plan and implementation (curriculum) for the teaching of Argumentative Essays to students in grades 5-9. The objectives are taken straight from the Common Core State Standards, and this plan is written to directly address the objectives stated